At Sweet Labs Labrador Retrievers, my goal is to produce healthy, balanced, trainable Labrador Retrievers with interest in participating in whatever their people want to do. We produce show line, or English, Labs with emphasis on good health and temperament.
Over the years we have enjoyed competing in obedience, rally obedience, dock diving, agility, conformation, working certificates and hunt tests. I love the versatility and easy maintenance of Labradors.
In 2002 I purchased my first purebred Labrador retriever, a yellow male I named Jasper. With him I discovered the ever-growing number of dog sports available through AKC. We tried conformation, but I had a lot to learn and Jasper didn’t like it, so we tried obedience (he didn’t like that either), rally obedience, and agility. He loved agility; he could fly! In 2004, his half-sister Ruby joined the family and we took up rally and dock diving. Ruby, Stonybeck Crimson Corundum CD RE produced my first litter in 2007.
These are just a few highlights. The buttons below will take you to the pages for the girls and boys.